Online and Offline Learning Assessment and Best Practices
- 01 - Education
- 06 – Information and Communication Technologies
- 09 – Health and welfare
3. Innovative student’s learning assessment
- Learning outcome-oriented, innovative ways of students' assessment
- Effective and safe ways and methods of online assessment
- Gamified, flexible, student centered assessment
- Student activities as learning outcome proofs
- Online real-time feedback and assessment for continuous improvement of students learning
The University of Pécs Medical School (UPMS) provides training equally in Hungarian, in English, and in German for future doctors, dentists and pharmacists. The School’s training is enjoying significant international recognition and with our 3500 students of 67 nationalities who study here in the Hungarian, German and English programmes, the University of Pécs has a huge role in the city’s and the country’s internationalization. Our Hungarian and international students have numerous opportunities not only at the university but also in city life to feel welcome and at home. Such programs make them feel included, so diversity as a beautiful and colourful world opens in front of our eyes when we enter the gate of UPMS. One of our best practices is the student-centred PROFEX (PROficiency EXamination) which is an English for Medical Purposes (EMP) bilingual testing system offering language tests for medical and paramedical professionals. The three levels, B1, B2 and C1, were defined in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. PROFEX exams are administered in more than 20 exam sites. As the main outcome, successful exams are certified by official language certificates issued in four languages. Another good practice we use is POTEPEDIA which is the unique digital project of medical training in Pécs. Our tool is a complete and expanding, constantly updated curriculum system and knowledge network. Its operation is supported by the work of the professional creative community of the Medical School and the active cooperation of its students. The platform has a huge importance in preparing successfully to the different exams of our students, thus the main outcome is the high rate of successfully completed exam periods. As the pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives and education, it has brought the slumbering online world of assessing roaring alive, fully operational and now bears phenomenal relevance in today’s global education, making us use online, student-centred platforms as MS Teams' Assignment function, Quizlet's Test function and our own online e-learning portal, medicalhungarian.aok.hu. All of the previously mentioned practices bear clearly positive and useful outcomes for our students in having learning material online, accessible anytime, anywhere.
Tools, equipment, technology used
Outcomes and outputs, main results
Lessons learnt
Adaptability and sustainability of the best practice (for other institutions)
Promotion of best practice
Scope and impact
- Course/department level
- Faculty level
- Institutional level
- Cross-institutional level
- National level
- EU/EHEA/International level
6.1 Digitalization
- Outstanding, innovative, excellent practices of online / blended / hybrid learning
- Innovative, novel methodology in using digital tools/devices in teaching
- Digital skills development and assessment both general and profession-related, embedded in course design, in teaching and assessment
- Novel digital solutions (tools, frameworks, devices, tasks to enhance efficiency and motivation)
- Digital scientific sources used in T&L
Reasoning: POTEPEDIA is the unique digital project of medical training in Pécs being one of the great milestones towards the process of studying leading to assessment. Our tool is a complete and expanding, constantly updated curriculum system and knowledge network. Its operation is supported by the work of the professional creative community of the Medical School and the active cooperation of its students.
6.2 Internationalization
- Outstanding practices of international online collaborative learning
- Developing students' multicultural awareness
- Students engagement in international projects
- Courses implemented in international cooperation (projects, co-teaching, virtual/blended mobility, etc.)
- Courses offered to international multicultural students both online and offline
Reasoning: UPMS is a citadel of education, research, and health care. We are building a special School with special people. Teachers, healing professionals, students, administrative staff are our partners in this. We are doing this in order to meet our social mission, namely, to fulfil the high, internationally recognized standards of medical education and to provide research with innovative thinkers. The principles of “Learning, Healing & Development” guide us in being international in assessment as well.
6.3 Inclusion and diversity, universal design
- Inclusive course design, universally designed divers activities to meet special students' needs
- Universally designed teaching material - adjustable for special needs
- Innovative teaching methodology for inclusion and meet diverse student needs
- Alternative, flexible assessment methods for students with special needs
Reasoning: PotePillars is a strategic program developing the complex, personalised learning culture at the faculty. There is a change of paradigms: switching from teaching culture to learning culture. The program is creating commitment via ensuring that every faculty member continuously “learns” from each other, promoting development. There is the support of new learning methodologies, providing students, educators and administrative workers with the opportunity to try these models within assessment, too.
6.4 Sustainability
- Sustainability goals are addressed in the course(s)
- Teaching material contains profession related sustainability aspects
- Extra-curricular student activities for sustainability
- Environmental attitude, skill development and assessment either general or profession-related
- Sustainability aspects are considered in all phases of the learning practice - "hidden curriculum"
Reasoning: The idea of the “Green University” at the University of Pécs is a complex system including built environment, ecologically conscious operation and maintenance, the formation and the creation of a sustainable educational and research background. Nearly 200 courses are dealing with environmental issues and sustainable development at the university at present. Significant financial resources have been invested into research and the number of publications on the topic is remarkable.
3.3 Public contact datas
Name | Email address | Website |
Renáta Nagy | renata.nagy@aok.pte.hu | https://aok.pte.hu/en/egyseg/60 |