SPALE (Spanisch Learning Experience)
Spanisch Learning Experience, Spanisch for Engineers (A1/2)
- 00 - Generic programmes and qualifications
- Other:
3. Innovative student’s learning assessment
- Learning outcome-oriented, innovative ways of students' assessment
- Different assessment opportunities for students with divers needs
- Student portfolio used in assessment
- Promoting self-assessment and peer assessment to empower students and enhance their learning
- Using assessment to develop and improve group learning promoting teamwork
Spanish for Engineers is a task-based and communicative blended learning concept with a high degree of interaction. Its focus is on digitalization, learner autonomy and self-responsibility of the students, guidance through digital learning paths in a learning blog, daily work packages, language learning tips, individualized learning through a variety of student-centred material, new forms of continuous formative assessment (language learning groups, portfolio, individual and cooperative tasks).
Tools, equipment, technology used
Outcomes and outputs, main results
Lessons learnt
Adaptability and sustainability of the best practice (for other institutions)
Promotion of best practice
Scope and impact
- Course/department level
- Faculty level
- Institutional level
- Cross-institutional level
- National level
- EU/EHEA/International level
6.1 Digitalization
- Outstanding, innovative, excellent practices of online / blended / hybrid learning
- Innovative, novel methodology in using digital tools/devices in teaching
- Digital skills development and assessment both general and profession-related, embedded in course design, in teaching and assessment
Reasoning: This concept is an example of blended and online learning that uses a learning blog with daily work packages and learning tips using a variety of digital tools, a portfolio, online language learning groups and different reflection tools to support learners in their self-responsible and peer learning process. By choosing a new form of assessment and giving very individualized feedback students learn to design their own learning paths in an online or blended setting and for future scenarios.
6.2 Internationalization
- Developing students' multicultural awareness
- Other:
preparing students for going abroad and internationalization at home
Reasoning: This concept prepares students for going abroad and for internationalization at home. A lot of activities are included which shape students’ multicultural awareness. Language learning groups that consist of learners of different countries strengthen this process. A variety of material offers students to choose highly varied topics and offers insight into different cultures. Students are also invited to get into contact with speakers from the target language.
6.3 Inclusion and diversity, universal design
- Inclusive course design, universally designed divers activities to meet special students' needs
- Universally designed teaching material - adjustable for special needs
- Innovative teaching methodology for inclusion and meet diverse student needs
- Alternative, flexible assessment methods for students with special needs
Reasoning: This concept uses a learning blog with learning tips to cater for the needs of different learning styles and speed. Learning material can easily be adapted for special needs and through individualized feedback and peer feedback learners see where their strengths and weaknesses are. Through new and flexible forms of assessment stress has decreased and all learners can improve their skills according to their potential and learn how to increase their knowledge after the course on their own.
6.4 Sustainability